Monday, June 17, 2013

Glitching Dens and Sinking Giraffes?!

Hey Jammers! Wolfs here, with the craziest glitch ever!! While debating over where to go to for a music video with Imacutebunbunbunny, I swapped my den from the water park den to the small house den and Bunny started asking me how I was on the "rock" we talked for a while, and she sent me a picture-on her screen we were still in the water park den!
Credit to Imacutebunbunbunny for photo.
On my screen, she was also on off-limits places!
Crazy huh? Not only that, she was seeing doubles! 
Credit to Imacutebunbunbunny for photo.
And before you go, did you see Whatwhat's post about sinking hats on penguins?
Well, the same thing happens with giraffes! Look!
Isn't that crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Kewl :) The girraffe looks like.... Well never mind :) Good job :P



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